
Friday 27 March 2015

Cineleisure's Next Online Sensation 4: Challenge 1 experience!

So just last week I was having the shittiest week of my life. Like literally everything was not even going my way and I thought I was gonna lose my mind. But then somewhere in the middle of the week, I recieved an email from Cathay, stating that I was shortlisted to join Cineleisure Next Online Sensation! Excited much? I was contemplating is I should go because I had assignments and exams, and I am a socially awkward person. But... Yolo! So I attended the briefing held last Saturday and here's challenge 1!
We were broken into groups and tasked to renact and recreate the OOTD of characters from the upcoming movie, our sister mambo. I was given the role of the baby (#manjalikeababy).
And I went on a shopping spree to pick my outfit~


And these were the stuff I ended up with^^

Of course I narrowed it down to my blue Babydoll dress!
These were my initial "OOTD" shots:

But then... After I was done, I realized they weren't even OOTDs. You can't even see my outfits la please== I kinda panicked cos I had assignments to rush for and I didn't have time to retake. But thank god I had time to retake everything before doing our group shot today!
So here are the final individual photos I'm still sifting through to see which one I wanna sumbit

I look like a sexay baby HAHAHAHAHA wtf

Eddie told me to suck on the lollipop. So here's my attempt to stuff it into my mouth. LOL!
And finally, our group photos for the challenge
(feat. Yilin as hot like sambal belachan, birdy as old school like kaya and jiewei as kaypo like an aunty, and myself as manja like a baby)

My legs look flipping huge okay. But don't judge.

Do watch out for all of us on the 4th season of Cineleisure's next online sensation okay!^^

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